Fine Arts
Mother Teresa Catholic School is committed to providing a quality learning environment that ensures student success through the integration of arts and academics. Through experiences in the classroom and extra-curricular activities, MTC works to increase the artistic development of every student.
The visual arts curriculum helps students understand how media, technique and process are used to create works of art; how artworks are structured; how art has a variety of functions; how to identify, analyze and select subject matter, symbols and ideas for personal/cultural expression; how historical and cultural contexts provide meaning for works of art, and how to assess the merits of their own artworks and the artworks of others.
Students attend art class once a week throughout the year, and an arts integrated curriculum is utilized throughout all subject areas at the school. Student art is exhibited throughout the year and in the community at various art shows. Each spring, MTC exhibits the student’s work in the annual Night of the Arts Festival to showcase the children’s talents as well as hard work.