Our Pre-K2 program is designed to engage the children in age-appropriate activities in a “playful and informal” atmosphere. Activities that fit both of these categories will include a fluid structure that encourages creativity. At two, their desire for independence and exploration will be met. Children’s interests and needs are a priority with our staff. Developmentally appropriate materials and equipment are incorporated into a child-centered program. A safe, healthy, and nurturing environment is essential as children further develop social skills through play and enrichment activities. Active experiences are the most effective means for young children to learn and discover.
Development of Large Muscles
Build Early Vocabulary
Develop Fine Motor Skills
Engage Students Socially
Age Group: 2 Years Old
Class Size: Ratio 1:6
Sessions: 3 half-days, 3 full-days, 5 half-days, 5 full-days
Interested in learning more about our preschool program? Please contact the school and we will be in touch!