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Elementary Education (1st-5th Grades)

The academic program at Mother Teresa Regional Catholic School places an emphasis on every aspect of student growth and development, while meeting state requirements. Suitable class sizes and exceptional, qualified teachers allow us to offer a comfortable and inclusive educational environment while ensuring each student receives the individualized attention and support they need.


The academic program at Mother Teresa Regional Catholic School places an emphasis on every aspect of student growth and development, while meeting state requirements. Suitable class sizes and exceptional, qualified teachers allow us to offer a comfortable and inclusive educational environment while ensuring each student receives the individualized attention and support they need.

Student Life

Our teachers develop caring relationships with our students, allowing for the adaptation of curricula to meet the social, emotional and educational needs of everyone. Our student experience is enriched by athletics, volunteer opportunities, class trips and other exciting extracurricular activities. Reach out to learn more.

First Grade


In First grade we introduce phonics skills, language mechanics, spelling strategies as well as introducing sentence structures. Students will obtain this knowledge to write a variety of text including but not limited to, opinions, narratives, and informative/ explanatory texts. Writing across the curriculum is a daily occurrence in the First-grade classroom.  


Using the current reading series we build a foundation for reading. First grade students build knowledge through a diverse collection of fiction, nonfiction, informational, narrative, and fantasy text. During the year students participate in direct instruction, small group activities, classroom discussions and silent reading fluency (SRF).  Students are supplied with the core building blocks to expand their perspectives, build confidence and comprehension in reading. 


Math is integrated into our cross curricular subjects. Topics our math program includes are introductory to numbers, number words, ordinal numbers, addition strategies, subtraction strategies, data and graphs, place value to 100, geometry, money and time, measurement, fractions and probability. The curriculum presents the opportunity for hands on learning, manipulatives, technology and math stations. Students are engaged and challenged through multiple techniques on a daily basis.


In first grade, we introduce the scientific process through weekly experiments and hands on activities. Students engage in life, physical and earth science in addition to an introduction to chemistry and chemical reactions. Students are encouraged to explore through their senses and observations in order to gain an understanding and knowledge of the world around us. 

Social Studies

Our social studies unit includes the communities and neighborhoods, U.S. symbols, famous individuals that helped shape and mold our country, holidays, timelines, geography, environments, weather, maps and symbols, cities and states, needs wants, goods and services in addition to family cultures and rules. Students go on virtual field trips as well as explore many of these topics through books and technology. 


The first-grade program highlights God’s love for us. Our religion curriculum follows along with the liturgical year. Students learn traditional prayers along with Bible passages, saints, sacraments, The Church in addition to the Mass. Students are taken to church to see the alter and baptismal fount. Faith based teachings are integrated throughout the day and encouraged to be brought home to share with their families. 


Second Grade


Using the current reading series, we revisit topics introduced in first grade and work on mastery for these skills. Students are exposed to different genres of writing including but not limited to nonfiction, fiction, narrative and fantasy texts. We continue to work on reading comprehension skills by reading on-level texts, answering comprehension questions and finding the story structure of a text. Students are taught using whole-group instruction as well as small-group to ensure the needs of the students are constantly being met. 


Building off of first grade skills, we continuously work on sentence formation and developing complete thoughts. Students in second grade are exposed to multiple types of writing including: opinion, narrative, informational, fiction, and poetry. Using the writing process, students work to form their thoughts into well developed pieces for all audiences. We work on basic grammar rules that help develop our students’ writing skills as well as spelling strategies and language mechanics. 


Aligning with the current math series, we revisit topics introduced in first grade, while adding on content and working on mastery. We work on mastering addition and subtraction as we introduce working with 2 and 3-digit numbers. The concepts of carrying and borrowing are introduced. Money, time, measurement, and geometry are reviewed from 1st grade and worked on to master the skills. Students are taught in whole group settings for introduction of skills, but receive small group instruction to focus on mastery of content. Students are assessed by formative assessments (during lessons) and summative assessments (end of unit tests) to assure concepts were learned and understood. 


In 2nd grade, we learn about structure and properties of matter, relationships in ecosystems, Earth’s systems, and engineering. They learn about plants and animals as well as other living things and how these species exist together. We learn about how the Earth changes and the resources that come from the Earth. To ensure the students are fully engaged in scientific thinking, students work on activities/projects that focus on science, technology, engineering, and math,  or STEM activities. These activities help develop the scientific thinking that makes them curious about the world around them. 

Social Studies

In 2nd grade, we focus on the community, our role on Earth, jobs in the community, the beginnings of the United States of America, and our country. Students learn about how people in communities work together and contribute to society. We learn about landforms and regions of the world, as well as how our country has grown and developed since colonial times. The students learn about the role they play in their community and how they can work to make it a better place.


With 2nd grade being a sacramental year, we focus mainly on preparing for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion. We begin with learning about the Sacraments, the Liturgical Year and the Blessed Trinity. We then move on to the topic of the Mass in preparation for the sacraments. We focus on the parts of the Mass and what each special moment means. The students explore Bible passages that correlate to topics we are covering. They learn about the sacrifice Jesus made for us and how this formed our faith. We focus on how we can be better followers of Jesus and live as his disciples. 


Third Grade


Our reading curriculum continues to develop reading comprehension skills needed by students as they progress through grade levels. The curriculum follows the guidelines of the Common Core Curriculum and children are exposed to both fiction and non-fiction reading selections throughout the year. Using direct instruction, whole group class discussions, small group activities, reading centers, class read aloud books, and independent reading, students build on their foundation of reading skills and learn the enjoyment that reading can bring. Skills such as comparing and contrasting, drawing conclusions, determining cause and effect, determining parts of a story, and recognizing vocabulary are used to aid students in more effectively analyzing texts and relating them to their own lives. 


Students learn to express themselves through writing as they practice the steps of the writing process and continue to improve their organization skills. Students free-write in their journals often and share their work with others. Students use various types of writing to produce personal narratives, opinion pieces, and informational pieces. They learn spelling strategies, phonics skills, and grammar topics. Students use each of these skills in writing they do for all subjects across curriculums. 


The math curriculum is focused on building a solid foundation of basic skills for students to use. It is based on the framework of the Pennsylvania Common Core Curriculum. Topics covered include place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, graphing, geometry, fractions, problem-solving, and application skills. Students use various manipulatives to provide a hands-on learning experience and enhance their understanding of all topics. Skills are taught, reinforced, and reviewed during the year through direct instruction, small group work, and independent practice. 


The science curriculum provides a hands-on approach to problem solving. The design process is implemented into all subjects and students explore topics such as engineering, forces, motion, life cycles and inherited traits, and organisms and their environments. Students work on observational skills and practice working together with others to solve problems. Technology enhances the science curriculum as it provides engaging models and videos for the students to explore. All subjects are incorporated into the science curriculum in a cross-curricular approach that supports students in making connections between various topics. 

Social Studies

The social studies curriculum teaches students about being a part of a community and about communities around the world. Students learn about the history, geography, economics, and cultures of United States and global communities. Students learn mapping skills and develop ideas about how they can be good citizens in their own community and around the world. The curriculum uses technology to enhance student learning and provides virtual field trips for students to experience. 


In religion, this year, the students learn about the life of Jesus and the beginnings of the Church. They learn about how the early Church influenced the Church today and explore the sacraments and seasons of the Church. Students read Bible stories and learn about various saints and special people in the Church throughout the year. Students learn how to act as disciples of Jesus by taking their religion lessons and connecting them to their own lives.


Fourth Grade


Using the McGraw Hill Wonders program, students will work with a variety of texts of all genres, including both fictional and expository texts.  Students will interact with these texts to learn and develop knowledge of text structure, author’s purpose, and genre-specific features.  They will also learn reading strategies that they may use to help with their understanding of texts, such as predicting, rereading, and asking and answering questions.  Students will work in a variety of settings, including whole-group and small-group instruction, which is differentiated based on skill and lexile level.  They will also develop stamina with independent reading.


Students will work to further develop their knowledge and practice with the writing process.  Specifically, we will spend time revising and editing our pieces to add length and detail and correct errors in spelling, grammar, and mechanics.  Students will learn a variety of ways to strengthen the ‘style’ of their writing, through the use of sensory details, figurative language, dialogue, introductory hooks, and meaningful conclusions.  Students will write cross-curricularly and in a variety of structures, such as narrative, informational, and persuasive pieces.


Students will dive into the topic areas of operations and algebraic thinking, numbers and operations in base ten, numbers and operations of fractions, measurement and data, and geometry.  They will strengthen their knowledge of multiplication, division, and fractions, by learning a variety of methods to perform each skill and will work to develop a better understanding of mathematical concepts.  Students will be encouraged to explain their logic and narrate their thought processes.  They will also be encouraged to persist through difficult problem-solving, in order to develop perseverance and resilience with mathematical thinking.


Through the use of the new STEM-driven science curriculum, HMH Dimensions, students learn and further develop understanding of the concepts of engineering and technology, energy, waves and information transfer, plant structure and function, animal structure and function, Earth’s surface, rocks and fossils, and natural resources.  Throughout each of these units, students will progress through the engineering process, while completing STEM-based, hands-on activities, that not only spark their curiosity, but also develop their knowledge of science.  Students will be encouraged to think deeper, problem-solve, remain resilient, and become active in their own learning.

Social Studies

Using the McGraw-Hill Impact Social Studies program, students will become immersed into learning about their physical and historical world. They will develop a better understanding of the Earth’s physical, human and cultural geography. They will also be introduced to our country’s early history and how the actions of the early settlers shaped the country into what it is today. They will also use their learning to build, write and research various events in history to enhance learning. 


Students will use the Sadlier We Believe series for their religion classes for study. They will strive to understand the Paschal Mystery in the Liturgy. They will come to understand the Seven Sacraments will receive as Catholics in our lifetime and the way we and why we celebrate each. They will come to understand the parts of the Mass, The Liturgical Calendar and Holidays and Holy Days. We also study and ways we honor Mary and the basic concepts that build our faith. The students will also begin to understand and prepare for receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation and the process involved in the preparation.



The engineering curriculum focuses on an engineering design process – an organized method of thinking and solving problems. Working individually and within teams, students will learn to clearly identify the problem in order to create and develop solutions. In fifth grade, students focus on imagining different solutions to the problem. Students understand how to incorporate criteria and constraints into their solutions. Some topics of study are different types of engineers, energy, and technology. Through inquiry-based lessons, students will practice these skills with hands-on investigations that encourage critical thinking, problem solving, and successful teamwork. Most importantly, students will learn to apply these thinking skills to other subjects and to the real world.


Contact Info

405 Allendale Road
King of Prussia, PA 19406




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