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Teacher Appreciation Week

The first week in May is Teacher Appreciation Week, with that Tuesday being National Teacher Appreciation Day.

You probably already know this. My social media feeds are filled with threads of parents asking for gift suggestions for their children’s teachers.

It’s sweet. Teachers have a hard job no doubt. And if you know any teachers personally, you know that even outside of school hours they are working for and thinking about their students.

You also know that teachers and education come under fire quite often, and to a degree, this makes sense. These are the people and institutions responsible for the future of our country and the future of our children.

But that scrutiny does not go unnoticed by teachers and often adds some extra stress to their day.

That is why taking a week to honor them, their work and their dedication is so important.

However, that does not mean parents need to drive themselves mad or broke looking for the perfect gift that expresses how much they appreciate them.

Teachers love gift cards and candy and candles and all of that. Who doesn’t? But really what is more important than the thing you purchase for them is the sentiment. You are acknowledging the incredible amount of love, dedication and time they pour into your child.

So if you cannot find that perfect gift, if you do not have the time or the money to buy that perfect gift, just write a note.

I have never met a teacher who did not get excited over a nicely worded letter from a student or a parent. To make it extra special add something specific, a time this teacher went above and beyond to make your child feel special or successful. Another great tidbit to add to that note is a short story of a time when your child came home and relayed something they had learned in class. It will definitely make them smile…or better yet, shed a tear.

And hey-even if you do get them a nice gift, include a note as well.

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